Your Executive Council

Doing the day-to-day work of CGE

Austin Bosgraaf (he/him)

Austin Bosgraaf (he/him)

Our Executive Council President helps grow all of our union's initiatives. Contact at
Case Pharr (he/they)

Case Pharr (he/they)

VP for Grievances
Our VP for Grievances is our union's point of contact for any questions about contract provisions, and how to proceed with workplace issue-organizing and grievance filings. Contact at
Maddy Duong (she/her)

Maddy Duong (she/her)

Co-VP for Organizing
Our VP for Organizing helps empower members through education and workshops, coordinates activities such as meetings and events, and helps facilitate our Steward Council in their operations. Can be contacted at
em barrett (they/he)

em barrett (they/he)

Co-VP for Organizing
Our VP for Organizing helps empower members through education and workshops, coordinates activities such as meetings and events, and helps facilitate our Steward Council in their operations. Can be contacted at
Danielle Whalen (she/her)

Danielle Whalen (she/her)

Our Secretary-Treasurer keeps our books and finances in order, and is responsible for making our union expenditures transparent and available for all members. Contact at
Luke Nearhood (he/him)

Luke Nearhood (he/him)

VP for Political Education
Brandi Whiteman (she/her)

Brandi Whiteman (she/her)

VP for Bargaining
Our VP for Bargaining coordinates our efforts in negotiations. They help build a bargaining team and prepare them for negotiations with management in bargaining years. Contact at
Erika Stewart (they/them)

Erika Stewart (they/them)

VP for Communications
Our VP for Communications is responsible for website updates, the CGE newsletter, social media, and ensuring every CGE member has access to information. Contact at
Vic Quennessen (she/they)

Vic Quennessen (she/they)

Co-VP for Membership
Our Co-VPs for Membership support the organizing efforts of our Steward Council and assists in processing membership for our union. Contact at
Brett Clark (he/they)

Brett Clark (he/they)

Co-VP for Membership
Our Co-VPs for Membership support the organizing efforts of our Steward Council and assists in processing membership for our union. Contact at
Sarah Selke (she/her)

Sarah Selke (she/her)

VP for Solidarity
Our VP for Solidarity designs and executes campaigns and actions to grow solidarity within our union, and with local and campus organizations, communities, and efforts. Contact at
Rachael Garcia (she/her)

Rachael Garcia (she/her)

VP for Social Activities
Our VP for Social Activities coordinates social events for our union, such as our trivia nights, movie nights, and our annual Brew-Off! Got an idea for a fun social event you want CGE to put on? Then contact our VP for Social Activities at

CGE Staff

Staff Work Exclusively For Our Union- They Are Not OSU Employees!!!

Lauren Nelson (she/her)

Lauren Nelson (she/her)

Staff Organizer
Our CGE Staff Organizer is a full-time employee who works exclusively for our union to support our organizing efforts. This entails training on organizing skills, coordinating membership blitzes and campaigns, and support the general efforts which build our union. You can email Lauren at
Alexis Kiessling (she/her)

Alexis Kiessling (she/her)

Operations Support
Our Operations Support Staff helps manage our books, database, and server. You can email them at
CGE Staff Union

CGE Staff Union

Mid-Valley Industrial Workers of the World
Our union staff are union members too! Coalition of Graduate Employees staff are represented by the Mid-Valley Industrial Workers of the World and have a collective bargaining agreement between CGE and the IWW.

EC Roles and Duties

CGE Executive Council

The CGE Executive Council (EC) is the elected body that is entrusted to coordinate the strategic goals and mission of our union. The EC also tends to the daily union tasks that need attention. As such, it is necessary that all EC members commit to carrying out these duties for the entire year of office.

Officers are elected annually at the spring General Membership Meeting, and terms run from July 1 – June 31 of the following year. Any member with at least 3 months’ membership in good standing in the union is eligible to hold office.

All EC members are expected to attend and occasionally facilitate regular EC meetings; check in and respond over email/Slack when decisions need to be made that way; and participate in all of the regular business that keeps the union running. This includes participating in quarterly membership drives, helping deliver short orientations to all incoming graduate students at the beginning of the academic year, attending AFT-Oregon convention in April, and attending the annual planning retreat in the summer.

EC members are also tasked with facilitating General Membership Meetings and ensuring all members are able to participate in a genuine way in these meetings.

The EC works directly with CGE’s Staff Organizer and Operations Support Staff to ensure that the daily tasks that keep the union going are completed. The time commitment varies over the year and by officer position, but in general, EC members should anticipate spending 2-5 hours a week on CGE related activities.

Here is a link to our Executive Council Handbook.

Specific Officer Roles


The President is the face of CGE, helps prepare EC meetings, maintains relationships with external organizations (such as UAOSU, SEIU, AFT-OR, GTFF, GEU, etc), and generally does all the little things that help keep CGE running. This includes following up with all other officers and doing things that other folks can’t get to. This position is best suited for someone who is familiar with CGE, is good at managing many tasks and being organized, and can write and communicate clearly and professionally with diverse audiences. It is usually someone who has previous EC experience. For more specific job duties, expand the section below.


Secretary-Treasurer works with the Operations Support Staff  to keep CGE’s books and meeting minutes. They also chair and maintain the Finance committee and oversee the annual audit. This position requires some training up front, and is great for folks who want to exercise their analytical skills and like doing essential tasks behind the scenes. This person acts as the primary interface (liaison) between CGE and the bank or other holders of CGE assets and should be comfortable working with data, spreadsheets, and willingness to learn finance jargon. Ideally, the candidate for this position would be willing to serve in this role for more than one year, but this is not a requirement. They can be contacted at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Social Activities

VP for Social Activities plans events and works on building community among grad employees both through CGE’s recurring activities such as the Fall BBQ and Spring Brew Off as well as planning new events. This is a great position for someone enthusiastic about planning, organizing, and developing CGE’s social offerings, and who believes in the value of building community among our members through social events. They can be reached at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Bargaining

VP for Bargaining organizes our union’s bargaining team. They are responsible for preparing bargaining campaigns when CGE enters contract negotiations with OSU. To do this, they coordinate meetings and communications with bargaining team members, arrange for training of the bargaining team, and serve as the point of contact for all activities related to bargaining. The person fulfilling this role typically has prior experience serving on the CAT or bargaining teams. They can be reached at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Communications

This person is responsible for communications with CGE members and developing an overall communications strategy that keeps CGE in the forefront of members’ minds. This is a good entry-level position for someone who is not necessarily as familiar with CGE as other folks but who can write and communicate well. Graphic design and technology skills, along with new ideas and creativity, are all a plus. They can be contacted at For more specific job duties, please expand the section below.

Vice President for Grievances

The VP for Grievances is the main point of contact for any questions about grievance-related issues and helps empower members to collectively organize to address workplace issues. This position is best suited for someone who is ready to learn and understand contract language inside and out and passionate about enforcing it. Some prior experience on the EC, bargaining team, or Steward Council will be beneficial in this role. They can be contacted at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Membership

This person is responsible for maintaining membership lists and records of participation. They are the primary contact for membership inquiries, and support new hire orientations and quarterly member drives. Additionally they will work with VP for Organizing to fill steward vacancies and encourage caucus and event involvement, and assist the Operations Support Staff with regular maintenance and auditing of membership records. They can be reached at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Organizing

VP for Organizing is responsible for organizing the Steward Council, recruiting new Stewards and members, supporting CGE bargaining and organizing campaigns, and boosting turnout for CGE events. This position is best suited for someone who is relatively familiar with CGE and who likes reaching out to people and working with the CGE members. Former Stewards are well suited to this position. They can be contacted at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.

Vice President for Solidarity

VP for Solidarity is responsible for designing and executing campaigns and actions to grow solidarity within our union, and with local and campus organizations, communities, and efforts. Anyone with experience with coalition building, social justice activism, and who is passionate about uplifting marginalized identities can perform this role. Some prior experience with CGE (steward, SCC, EC, Bargaining Team, Caucus Chair) and with outside community and/or labor movement organizing is recommended. They can be reached at For more specific job duties, expand the section below.