This term’s General Membership Meeting, open to all union members, is fast approaching. It will be Friday, April 23rd, at 5:30 PM at the Corvallis Senior Center on the corner of 26th and Tyler. (See below the fold for a map and directions.)
The two big items on the agenda are bargaining and the holding of officer elections for the 2010-2011 school year. And, of course, there will be food and drink for everyone.
CGE officer positions are flexible and overlap as needed. However, certain positions have primary responsibility for certain areas. If you are considering running and have questions, please contact the relevant officer at the email address listed. General inquiries can be sent to
President: Chairs Executive Council meetings, represents the CGE to other unions and to OSU, participates in AFT and AFT-OR business. Often serves on bargaining team.
Secretary-Treasurer: Keeps the union’s records and oversees the union’s day-to-day business routine. Reports on the union’s financial status to the membership and to AFT. Works with the Business Manager.
Vice-President for Collective Bargaining: Chairs or co-Chairs bargaining team as necessary; handles grievances; generally responsible for contract administration and implementation.
Vice-President for Communications: Responsible for creation and publication of the newsletter; can be responsible for the majority of communications CGE sends to members and outside organizations.
Vice-President for Organizing: Oversees membership orientation and recruitment, Rep structure, and member benefits. Works with Staff Organizer.
There’ll also be plenty of food and drink for all who attend (as long as you RSVP). Hope to see you there!
(See below the fold for a map and directions to the senior center.)