EC Meeting Agenda 10/2/18
Facilitator: Kali Doten
Vibes Watcher: Erin Abernethy
Time Keeper: Clint Mattox
Notetaker: Emory Colvin
Attendance: Erin Abernethy, Clint Mattox, Kali Doten, Nick Fisher, Lzz Johnk, Val Fraser, Emory Colvin, Azadeh Ghanizadeh, Aaron Kratzer, Micknai Arefaine, Brian Zhang
Meeting began: 5:04?
Ice-breaker: Tooth history…?
- Slack Approvals (1 Minute)
- Approved minutes for 9/18
- Approvals: (1 Minute)
- FYI: Faculty Bargaining Discussion Postponed:
- We’ll be asked to discuss at a different time when our schedules work out better.
- Longevity Committee:
- Next meeting Oct. 11 @ 5:15 WestM.
- Discuss potential investment of portion of savings.
- Possible credit card to get protection and also cash back.
AFT-OR Executive Council Vacancies:
- No nominations or appointments yet. Folks from GTFF are trying to persuade GEU people to run.
- Maybe have a conversation with Kris, Lola (GTFF), Rheuben (GTFF) about what’s involved.
- Erin will send an email to them.
- Brew Off Committee:
- Valerie shared this guide to not getting sued by Disney: Damn Disney Copyright
- Since we moved it, when should we start soliciting artwork? Earlier is better than later.
- Haven’t heard back, will give Oddfellows business manager a phone call.
- Haven’t heard back from Elk’s Lodge, will follow up on capacity.
- Meeting soon.
- OSU Workers Unite! (Joint OSU Campus Union Event): (less than 1 minute)
- Next meeting Oct. 12 4pm at SEIU office.
- October 28 is the actual event.
- Alex will make FB event and add SEIU and UAOSU.
- Have a point of contact in Cordley that works with the three unions and SEIU is doing a fundraiser for SEIU’s hardship fund–unknown whether it’s for the Corvallis public employees that might be striking.
Jumping Stack
- Website Changes:
- Brian and Lzz met to discuss potential changes to the website, and they both would like to take time to share with EC.
- Need to look through old financial documents and try to figure out where this is hosted.
- Needs to be a paid solution, not free.
- Emory will contact Rob Hess and/or Ashley to find out who is hosting/paying.
- Once we find out, Brian can copy database settings, then we can play with the new one.
- Should probably move to https.
- G-suite for nonprofits that’s free. Unlimited storage, own emails, etc. Might also replace the crash plan.
- More mobile friendly in the future.
- Haven’t gotten to design yet. Folks can look at other sites (eg, AFT, GTFF) and see if we want to do something else.
- May want to think about domain to include some indication that we’re in Oregon.
- New Steward appointment:
- Aaron Kratzer is a new grad in Applied Economics. Kali and Nick met with him to discuss becoming a second steward for the department. Aaron has been active in a lot of community organizing work and is interested in being appointed.
- EC approval of interim Steward appointment? Approved.
- First Full EC Meeting:
- We made a questionnaire for EC folks to fill out.
- We want to take some time and review our responses, and talk about our roles and goals on the EC for the coming year.
- Define EC meeting group agreements:
- Respect pronouns.
- Hand signs/short vocal sign:
- Curled finger: question.
- Fist: response to question.
- Flat hand: comment.
- Proposal llama/puppy: proposal.
- Appreciate intentions, recognize impact.
- One mic.
- Also good opportunity to check-in and see if all EC officers have signed necessary documents.
- Everyone will go read the answers to the questionnaire and then we can discuss it next time. Read the documents that we need to sign (will be uploaded to Slack by Alex).
- FB event posts: make sure they get discussed/added to EC minutes/on Slack so that we all know what’s going on.
Continuing Business
- Corvallis Pride Debrief:
- Emory, Fara, and Mia represented CGE on behalf of our Pride Caucus.
- Buttons were a hit!
- Per-caps convention Debrief:
- Erin, Nick, and Clint went on behalf of CGE.
- Model 4, percentage-based model passed! Means a more progressive percap structure for all locals, and a big money-saver for us in CGE (~$40,000/yr)
- The grads did a good job of going around to help get everyone on the same page/following the math.
- Conversations isn’t over, but profs are going to lobby for an adjustment in the next convention -> current tier goes from 30k-90k-ish, so want to add another tier in the middle.
- Expected to hit AFT-OR for ~$63k.
- Got a positive interaction with other folks!
- Erin: email Caleb at GTFF for spreadsheet to calculate and reach out to Hillsboro Classified.
- Ed Ray Meeting Debrief:
- Azadeh, Emory, Mohammad, and Alex were in attendance.
- Here’s a link to the agenda
- Agreed to reduce CPT/OPT to 1 credit hour during vacation term. 2 year trial period, departments can ask for exemption to over that, but require reasoning.
- Clint: do something in recognition of Mohammed and Spencer’s hard work on this.
- Communicated well on the bullying.
- Ed Ray will help by bringing the Muslims in America display to the MU.
- New HR director, hopefully bringing more staff to labor management.
- Welcome Back BBQ Debrief:
- How much $ was spent: little under $2k
- How many people attended: estimate 400-500
- How many blue cards: 8 (didn’t think about daylight – bring headlamps? Work tables where there are lights once it’s dark rather than food lines). Also, we only send out the email to members, so something to think about for spring. Stewards are more likely to have their departments’ email addresses for fall, since we don’t have new nonmember email addresses.
- How many surveys filled out: Some
- Oops, the thank-you wall fell off the radar, so let’s keep it ongoing and do recognition in the future – email someone as they get a thank you, then have a thing at a GMM (since we’re inside). Chain mail of affirmation.
- Were the supplies (food, beer, gear) sufficient:
- We might not be using all the volunteers that show up to help.
- Maybe coordinate more volunteers/better before hand – but people didn’t sign up.
- More announcements of how to volunteer, what we need at any given moment.
- Do we have walkie-talkies? No. Should we purchase some? They’re not expensive… Or a point person to coordinate.
- Supplies didn’t run out. Cups were smaller and beer was foamy, so the rest of the beer was used for post-per-caps convention celebration -> right amount of beer. (2 full kegs beer, 1 full keg + 1 pony keg (?) cider)
- HIAC Debrief:
- Emory, Fara (?), and Kelly Longway attended.
- Our insurance is going up less than national average.
- Social Media Engagement:
- Lzz has posted images to the Slack for everyone to review to go up on social media about the EC. Part of an effort to get folks more engaged with our social media.
- Translated Video: (5 minutes)
- We need to develop a rough script/questions and think about the logistics of filming (getting a camera, editing, location, etc.) Alex created this doc: Languages of CGE Script .
- Camera from library. Simple setup, requires less editing.
- Reach out to members, especially in SWLF?
- Lzz to potentially head this up.
- We need to develop a rough script/questions and think about the logistics of filming (getting a camera, editing, location, etc.) Alex created this doc: Languages of CGE Script .
- Member Organizer Institute: (1 minute)
- Offered position to one new member, but they decided to decline. Had an interview with Froggi VanRiper on 9/28
- Froggi accepted position and will attend training this weekend
- Bargaining: (1 minute)
- We have submitted times to OSU, waiting on their response.
- There were times submitted late Tuesday, we haven’t responded.
- This is the section of our CBA that Clint is referring to that requires a meeting:
- Tentative agreements reached between the union and the employer shall be subject to vote for ratification by the membership covered by that agreement. Ratification shall be by secret ballot majority vote of those voting at a special membership meeting called for consideration of the tentative agreement. Alternatively, the ratification vote may be conducted electronically using a secure, confidential, and verifiable system that is accessible by all union members, provided that a special membership meeting is still called for consideration of the tentative agreement. Consideration and/or vote may be taken at a regular membership meeting whenever a tentative agreement is reached not more than five days before a scheduled, regular meeting.
- So we just need to hold a meeting sometime prior to the GMM and make a presentation. We can put out the date on an AME and make sure to note it at the SC meeting. Friday Oct 12, 3-4 seem the best time to do this considering our membership blitz and availability at WestM. Alex will book WestM and draft an AME.
- Business Discount Signs: (less than 1 minute)
- Have we put these up? Take some signs if needed.
- Kali put signs up at Pegasus Games and Corvallis Brewing Supply.
- The rest of us are behind…
- AFT-OR President’s Conference:
- Nov. 3, 9-5 in Crowne Plaza Lake Oswego.
- Micknai will go, maybe Clint.
- Membership Blitz:
- Updates are on the whiteboard, and we’ll be keeping track of our numbers throughout.
- Maybe Oct 9, the Black Grad Student Association welcome dinner at 5pm might be a good time for Miki to bring some cards/materials. Clint is willing to come.
New Business
- Steward Council Meeting Agenda:
- Some Highlights
- Upcoming local elections questionnaire
- Steward Appointments
- Review of strategic goals and yearly calendar
- General overview of upcoming activities and workshops
- Suggest to SCOs that they can use leftover burgers for chili if they want. Possibly going forward have them give a proposal.
Future Business/Reminders (5 minutes)
- Staff Transition Plan:
- Is everything getting done on time?
- Alex says we’re good, but still needs help with audit and member cards.
- Do officers need to do more?
- Does temporary help need to be hired?
- Budget Committee:
- Brian is interested.
- Bring it up at the steward council meeting and the GMM (treasurer report).
- AFT Discount Cards:
- On the agenda for SC 10/4 meeting, need to send out AME asking people to retrieve their cards
- Westminster House:
- Stone Soup volunteers on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month, two-hour shifts starting at either 3pm or 5pm.
- Tea time for grads (on the SC meeting agenda).
- Needs to Be on our next agenda:
- Steward Retreat:
- Approved $300 budget.
- Reservation made for Lion’s Shelter at Avery Park (Rotary Shelter under construction)
- Oct. 26, 6-10pm.
- Screen Printing Shirts: Erin ordered supplies (using her money) for everything but shirts.
- Anyone send a different image? One with a fist and a phrase about OSU and education at being a factory
- GMM on Oct. 19
- Need an agenda
- Facilitation duties
- Setup plan
- Constitutional Convention
- A summary guide has been created, please review it here.
- We have approved a Constitutional Convention on Oct. 25 from 4-8pm at Westminster House.
- Likely best way to organize this convention is to have one grouping of amendments be discussed for each hour. We can advertise when each grouping will be discussed for our members, and task at least one EC person to take on one hour to walk people through amendments (also ask for help from Const. & Bylaws Committee).
- We need to discuss how members can propose changes to the language in amendments; should we try to facilitate this online when we send out this summary guide or should we only allow for language changes during the Constitutional Convention?
- Final version would need to be the one at 8pm on Oct. 25.
- Quorum is 30 people.
- Amendments will be put to an online vote after commencement of Convention.
- We need to discuss how members can propose changes to the language in amendments; should we try to facilitate this online when we send out this summary guide or should we only allow for language changes during the Constitutional Convention?
- Organize files on computer
- Membership Audit
- Post orientations and fall membership blitz, we need to do a more thorough audit of all our member cards. We need to go through every card and cross-check whether they are listed as a member or not, and make sure our list of membership has a card with each name.
- Thoughts on Direct Deposit for certain items
- Thoughts on direct deposit for staff pay or other recurring CGE expenses? APPROVED
Meeting Adjourned: 7:00