In attendance: Drew Hatlen, Béatrice Moissinac, Thomas Morrill, Gloria Ambrowiak, Kris Osterloh, Alisha Jones, Shannon Andrews; guest member/tech advisor Sean McGregor; Ashley Bromley, Angela McClendon, Rodolfo Palma


Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM

Minutes from 10-8-2014 Meeting – Approved

Email Decisions – (1) Approved all-member email regarding ratification, etc. (2) Approved ratification post to website (mostly decided via text and in-person conversation).

New Laptop – Sean has a recommendation for a laptop for our upstairs office: a Lenovo ThinkPad that would (if we upgraded some specs) put us pretty well above our original aim of $600. Drew found another option (a Dell) that’s also pretty beefy and costs less. They will work with Kris (who also has opinions) to send a recommendation on the EC list by Monday.

Office Visits – Officers should sign up for (more) shifts! Especially for this Thursday and Friday while Ashley is at AGEL.

Contract Roll Out – OSU HR hadn’t communicated very well with the various accounts offices, so there have been a lot of issues with updates to FTE, fee waivers, e-campus tuition and fee waivers, and health insurance. Ashley has been prodding HR and SHS to fix them, so things are now moving along. The financial issues should be resolved this week, and insurance issues should be retroactively covered.

GMM – (1) Turnout plan: Shannon will send an all-member email on Monday and Ashley will send personalized emails on Thursday. (2) Agenda: membership update; office changes; tuition remission issues; Brew-Off!; task force update; budget update; fair share challenge update; CGEU constitution ratification; call for caucus; GTFF? (Shannon will invite); time for feedback/input from members. We’ll have discussion groups about family caucus, fellows’ issues, AFT/Convention, appointment issues, and health insurance.

Ratification/RatiPIED Debrief – We ratified the contract! There was pretty good turnout for the party.

Policies – The officers who are still here (Drew had to leave for an appointment) have signed the policies.

GTFF Negotiations – Amber Cooper has asked us to start thinking about how to mobilize CGE people to a potential strike/picket line on November 17. GTFF is having an emergency GMM this Friday to discuss the possibility.

Audit – The officers have approved and Shannon has signed the letter of engagement so we’re all set to get started. Larry will be here next Tuesday the 21st, around 10 AM, to go through files. Angela plans to be in all day.

Social Hour and Bowling – Tonight! Bombs at 5 PM, then bowling at the MU at 7 PM.

Office Signage – Thomas is working on a design for the interior door sign. Ashley has been researching

an exterior sign. The case-style sign we were thinking of would be pretty expensive, so instead we’re

going to look into a wooden sign similar to the one we’ll have inside.

Steward Appointment – The EC appoints Rich Collins as a steward for SWLF.

CLC Meeting – This is next Wednesday the 22nd, and Alisha is planning to attend.

Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM

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