In attendance: Mindy Crandall, Sean McGregor, Ashley Bromley, Matt Loewen, Lauren Atwell, Wren Keturi, Jack Day, Bret Seferian, Angela McClendon, Rob Hess (with limeade!)
Meeting called to order at 10:06 AM
Previously Made Decisions: During Convention, the officers decided to send the link for a bargaining survey to the members list.
Emailing: Ashley reminds us that there are some other things that should regularly be sent to the cardsigners list as well as the membership list – like bargaining sessions and social events.
RA Campaign Update
AAUP / Faculty Senate: Bret lets us know that Pres Ray occasionally shows up at meetings. Mindy and Ashley suggest giving our AAUP allies a few talking points to bring up to Ray. We hope Jack can work on this.
Next EC Meeting: Mindy has an all-day seminar on Tuesday the 24th. We’ll try to survive without her.
Bargaining Update: Next bargaining session is this Friday, April 20th, at noon in WestM. (Wren updates the Fbook event.)
AFT-OR Convention Recap: Solidarity Forever! Lost percaps… but won major victories on transparency and electing delegates. Our very own Katie Stofer was elected to be the AFT-Oregon delegate at the AFT National Convention in Detroit this summer! Also, Mindy got an email from the Hillsboro Classified United local (a big local, who voted against the transparency resolution but voted for Katie); their communications veep asked Mindy about what our locals could work on together next year. We’ll try to schedule the delegates debriefing soon, once we figure out if there’s any budget left for pizza.
Rep Meeting Recap: Decent turnout. Went really long, but most people stuck around to discuss the RA Campaign (checking in with new unit to see how they feel about escalation); ASOSU candidate endorsement (some people felt strongly against endorsement, but were willing to compromise with something like a “report card” for different issues; wait until after the primaries); a few reps expressed interest in being write-in candidates for ASOSU House positions. One new attendee told Mindy that it was a good experience and they really appreciated how everyone’s ideas were heard.
Membership Drive: This will be happening extremely soon! Wednesday (that’s tomorrow) and Thursday this week, then Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday next week. Wren is working on some flyers to hand out. Ashley is scheduling volunteers. Please let her know when you can help!
AGEL Recap: Wren and Sam Montgomery(?) from UM GEO were elected to co-chair for the upcoming year. CGE was the only local that had brought a young-labor resolution to state convention – go team! Ideas for Fall AGEL came up: Madison or Gainesville. A lot of community activists came to some of the AGEL meetings, too.
Garden Volunteer Day: Christopher says that we could find a date that works well for CGE and he’d probably be able to make it work. We’ll try for Saturday, June 2nd. Super family-friendly!
Online Petition
SEIU: Their GMM is this Thursday at 12:30. Jack hopes to be able to go to update on the campaign, and Ashley will plan to go along, maybe Mindy too. Also will tell them about the trivia night and EoYP.
Labor Notes Conference: When Rob was in Berkeley for a job interview, he stopped into the UC grad local (UAW affiliate, covers entire UC system) office to talk about stuff. He heard about this conference that’s all about organizing; it’s happening in the first week of May in Chicago. Yesterday, he and Mindy and Ashley had a video chat with Adam from __ about it. Mindy would like to go – is there room in the budget for a flight? This could be a new, long-term participation goal in the budget. For this time, we will use some of the reserves, and we’ve agreed to send Mindy.
Strategic Retreat: We’re planning to do this toward the end of June. It might be really hard to find a place if we wait to book until after elections (so we’ll look into cancellation policies).
Review of Strategic Goals: Need to do this soon! We’ll try for the May 1st EC meeting.
[Executive Session]
Meeting adjourned at 12:15 PM