From the April 23rd General Membership Meeting and officer elections, the CGE officers for the 2009-2010 academic year are:
- John Osborne, COAS, President (returning)
- Rob Hess, EECS, Vice President for Collective Bargaining and Grievances (returning)
- Ian Pfingsten, BPP, Vice President for Communications (new)
- Andrés Vaughan, MPP, Vice President for Organizing (new)
- Julia Michaels, MPP, Secretary-Treasurer (new)
Congratulations to Andrés, Ian, and Julia for stepping up, and for John and Rob for sticking around to start their third year as officers!
In other news, members briefly discussed the ins and outs of summer health insurance, recapped the AFT-OR Annual Convention, heard from the Budget Committee about the status of the union’s finances, got invited to a conference for graduate employees (AGEL), and recapped CGE’s progress in passing legislation that would reduce fees.
Thanks to everyone who came out, consumed almost all of the food and drink, and made this the biggest spring GMM in recent memory! We’ll post a few pictures as we get them.