CGE Executive Council Meeting Minutes – May 24, 2012


In attendance: {Current Officers}Ashley Bromley, Mindy Crandall, Wren Keturi, Lauren Atwell, Matt Loewen, Sean McGregor, Jack Day; {Incoming Officers} Braden Elliott, Sydney Householder, Danny Ritter, Michelle Marie, Eric Coker, Forrest Parker; Bret Seferian, Angela McClendon, Eben Pullman


Noted: Incoming officers were far more punctual today than many of the outgoing officers.

Meeting called to order at 6:10 PM


Minutes from 5-15-2012 Meeting – Approved


Previously Made Decisions – Sending the public document request; sending an all-member email about bargaining turnout for tomorrow.


Introductions – Everyone says hello to everyone else.


Public Document Request – We submitted a request on Friday the 18th for how much money OSU is spending on fighting the RA Campaign (as a bargaining-related issue because there’s a limited pool of funding for OSU to deal with grad students). Haven’t heard back yet, maybe at tomorrow’s session.


Bargaining Update – Last week’s session: Julie (the state mediator) coached us to make it [more?] clear that fees are a huge issue for grads. Next session tomorrow! Hope to talk about FMLA, hope to TA the Article 25 language (Health and Safety), Jeri said she’d bring something about the discrimination language; the big topic will be economics. The B-Team is working on how to talk about fees and health insurance coverage. Action: Ashley and Braden organized an action on fees yesterday. There was decent turnout and we actually had conversations with Mark McCambridge, Ed Ray, and Jeri.


Trivia Night Recap – Went really well – about 55 people there! Everyone had a great time. We had a few people from GTFF and SEIU 49 and 503, too!


ASOSU Election – We heard back about the letter from the EC: “We’ll look into it. Maybe next year it will work better.” This is disappointing. We’ll get a response out soon and try to talk with them in person.


Transition Meetings – Met or scheduled? Check! Outgoing officers will prepare their binders and files.


Campaign Update – Prepping for the hearings on the 31st and the 5th. Eben has received information from the employer team about who their witnesses will be and what kind of arguments they’ll be making to try to show that these grad assistants are not employees. Eben’s been meeting with CGE members who can serve as witnesses. Shari is looking into getting transportation to Salem prepared.


Fair Share Notice Issues – Someone in the BU didn’t know about the possibility to get the non-fair share portion of their deductions rebated – even though they got the email in the fall. Since we’re looking into snail-mailing the annual audit,


Button-Making Supplies – We’ll spend $60 to get 1,000 of the regular button sets now. We’ll punt the decision on magnet and bottle-opener sets until the next fiscal year.


Next EC’s Meetings – Incoming officers will need to decide when to meet over the summer.


Ed Ray Meeting – Our spring term meeting was cancelled and they have (so far) refused to reschedule. However, he was hanging out in his office yesterday and it seems he’ll be around all week. So, how much should we push him on meeting? [On a side note, Sara Gelser wrote a very good letter to Ray encouraging him to recognize the unit campaign and to continue meeting with CGE.]


ASOSU Grad Reception – Ashley wants everybody to be there! Especially the incoming officers, because Angi Baxter is planning to introduce CGE and give us a minute to speak about what we’re doing.


2011-12 Strategic Plan Review – Planning: great. Local member benefits: fail. Communications: great. Membership: pretty good. GMMs: good. Caucuses: kinda. Mission/Vision/Values: great. Social events: good. Reps: good. External relations: good. Beaver community: great. Financial: good. AFT reform: meh. Super-BU: getting there. AGEL: best. Bargaining: good.


[Executive Session]


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

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