Facilitator: Erin
Vibes Watcher:
Time Keeper:

Attendees: Erin Abernethy, Val Fraser, Kali Doten, Emory Colvin (remotely), Lzz Johnk (remotely), Jess Keune, Alex Riccio

Meeting began: 5pm

Ice-breaker: If you had to teach a class on one topic every year for the rest of your life, what topic would you teach?

  • Approvals:
      • Checks to be signed
      • Budget #2 (the more restrictive one) was approved.
  • Slack Approvals:
      • Approved OSU’s system to refund fair share collections for the dates June 27-30
  • Office Keys, Emails, Etc: Do all officers have keys to the Westminster House? Are we all logged on to our current EC emails, slack, and website?
      • Get keys from Hazel and Mohammad.
      • Everyone has email and slack access.
      • Alex is providing individual access to the website.
  • EC Positions and Expectations: We wanted to set aside some time just to allow folks to discuss any thoughts or questions they might have about their position on the EC and what to expect moving forward.
  • Strategic Goal 2018-2019: 
        • Everyone needs to go through the results of the strategic retreat and do their own mark-ups. Discuss the next few months at the next meeting.
        • Assess what is translated:
          • Alex will reach out to Chen Chen about translations (Chinese)
          • Arabic & Farsi
        • Assign tasks for toolkit
          • Kali will ask Micknai if she has time & interest to work on toolkit materials.
      • Add to future agenda: Discuss realistic price quotes
      • Add to future agenda: When all EC officers are present, discuss specific officer roles and how to articulate them.
  • Budget Approval: We need to approve a tentative budget proposal (Option 1 or 2). We determined in a previous meeting that we want the Steward Council to weigh in on approving a final budget.
      • Budget #2 Approved. The budget will be discussed in detail at the first Steward Council meeting of Fall term.
  • Bargaining Tentative Agreement: We reached a TA with OSU, read the summary. We likely will want to send this out to our membership in an AME too. Any questions on the TA?
      • AME regarding changes – Alex will write and post language on Slack for approval
  • AFT-OR Special Convention: To be held at AFT-OR office in Portland on September 29 beginning at 9:00am. This will be a convention to potentially approve percaps reform. Does anyone have additional info on the proposed amendment?
      • Erin will attend
      • We may have to hold elections to send delegates, similar to what happens with AFT-OR Convention
  • Possible Fair Share Litigation: Plan, coordinate a response with Rodolfo/ AFT lawyers  
    • New membership cards: need to include a commitment time (full term/ month = to decrease admin complications), will need to also consult with Rodolfo/ AFT lawyers on this
    • Longevity Committee: Discuss creation and timeline of this committee for the purpose of managing finances long-term, maintaining institutional knowledge. Erin and Clint are interested in being on this committee; anyone else interested (EC or membership-wide) let them know. Send AME?
  • Glassware Dump Run:
    • We got the old glasses that are unusable from a previous Brew-Off. Likely we should just take these to the dump and be rid of them, but there is probably a small cost ($20 or so). Discuss what to do with the glasses.
    • Try to strip logo off the glasses when Emory returns; try reprinting a new logo on the glasses or donate them
  • Brew Off Date: Alex called the Food Share and they said that Fall and Spring are in the same fiscal year for them, so us changing the Brew Off date to Spring term wouldn’t affect them in a negative way. They also noted that the Spring is a pretty low activity time for donations, so it might be better for us to do it in the Spring as opposed to the Fall when they receive a lot of donations.
    • Val has a call in to Rachel the Odd Fellows manager. It looks like the Halloween weekends are booked. Erin suggested having the Brew-Off around St. Patrick’s day if we held it in the spring.
    • Idea discussed: combine the cover up and brew-off if GTFF is interested.
  • Eugene Training July 28, 10-3 Lane Community College
    • Will be hosted by AFT and include the following two options; more details pending:
  • Grievances 101 will cover all the basics that worksite leaders need to know about handling grievances, including contract interpretation, timelines, forms, appeals, and best strategies for dealing with workplace issues.  
  • Organizing 201 is designed for organizing committee members or other leaders who need a higher level or organizing skills to plan and implement membership campaigns in their locals. It will include worksite mapping, assessments, training volunteers, and using data.
    • Erin is interested in attending the Grievances training. Kali will email the Steward Council list to ask for interest.
  • Grad Local Brainstorm: AFT-OR is trying to coordinate a joint session between the three Oregon grad locals to brainstorm some ways in which our locals can share resources, organize campaigns, or help with each others needs. If anyone wants to attend the initial session, fill out this doodle poll: https://doodle.com/poll/27nm72chh7it96ag
  • GTFF 40th Anniversary – They are seeking suggestions for 1 guest speaker on a panel regarding organizing in higher education; the event is November 9-11 in Eugene. Hazel was suggested as the guest speaker; she has confirmed interest.
  • Next Summer EC Meeting: Tuesday July 17th at 5pm
    • Val & Kali out July 20-29


Meeting adjourned: 6:33pm